HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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Internet Message Format
From: Dave Bakken
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
MBX: bakken%CS.ARIZONA.EDU@cuvmb.columbia.edu
TO: Scott Loftesness / MCI ID: 380-1143
Subject: English language shortwave radio schedule for the Middle East
Message-Id: 13901226064531/0003765414NC2EM
Source-Msg-Id: <9012260143.aa08350@NRI.NRI.Reston.VA.US>
Shortwave and (some) Mediumwave (AM) radio schedules for the Middle East
This page includes general information about this radio list.
You should only send the following pages on to anyone in the
Middle East, since this page is not really useful for them.
If the document between the two ``snip here'' lines is printed in
an 8-point font it will fit onto an AT&T DesertFAX form, and in
a 10-point font it fits in two standard pages (if you cut this
into 3 pages then a 10-point font would fit onto DesertFAX,
but then the schedules would be broken over two pages). Many
Unix systems have a program called enscript from Adobe that
prints in different fonts (among many other things); see your
local documentation for details. Also, many laser printers
normally print in a 10-point font.
Getting the most current copy:
I will update this as often as more schedule information comes
in (this has slowed from a flood to a moderate trickle), and
repost to appropriate USENET newsgroups as often as seems
appropriate (probably every 2--4 weeks). The most current copy
of this is available via anonymous ftp from cs.arizona.edu, in
file desert-shield-shortwave/sched.Z. To access it from the
internet, do the following (the '%' will be '$' or something
else if you don't use csh (aka the C shell)):
prompt you type
------ --------
% ftp cs.arizona.edu
Name (cs.arizona.edu:user) : anonymous
Password: guest
ftp> type binary
ftp> cd desert-shield-radio
ftp> get sched.Z
ftp> quit
% uncompress sched.Z
Finally, if you do not have internet access, send email to me at
any of the addresses below and I'll send you a copy. If you don't
have any email access send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope
and I'll get you a copy in the mail pronto.
Distribution and Copyright
This document is hereby placed in the public domain. You may
copy it as much as you like. Also, please post it to buletin
boards or pertinent mailing lists that you use. Lets get this
to as many bored and homesick troops as we can to help them out!
Dave Bakken Internet: bakken@cs.arizona.edu
Dept. of Comp. Sci.; U.of Ariz. UUCP: uunet!arizona!baksken
Tucson, AZ 85721; USA Bitnet: bakken%cs.arizona.edu@Arizrvax
AT&T: +1 602 621 4976 FAX: +1 602 621 4246
======== snip ========== snip, snip =========== snippety-snip ======
^LFollowing is a listing of English shortwave and mediumwave (AM)
programs that are likely to be receivable in Arabia by most types
of shortwave radios (and normal radios, for AM --- 530--1600KHz).
Reception can vary from day to day, so if one frequency is not
coming in well try the others. Aslso, signals travel best in the
dark, so the best listening is when it is night for the entire
path of the signal. During the night signals in the
6000-9500 KHz range will come in best, and during the day those
above 15000. Finally, most shortwave broadcasts begin with a
buletin of world news.
I welcome additions and corrections to this list; send email to
me bakken@cs.arizona.edu or uunet!arizona!bakken or, if you must,
Dave Bakken [a lowly grad student; was in USMA '83 fosr 2 years]
Dept. of Computer Science
Gould-Simpson Building
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
I would still like to get info on the complete, current Middle East
schedules for:
- Radio Cairo
- Radio Moscow (impartial?; might have news contacts...)
and any others with good news and other programs that beam strong
signals to the Middle East. So any of you folks in these countries,
or any regular listeners, please help us out.
All times below are UTC (which is basically GMT; Riyadh is UTC+3).
All frequencies are KHz (so divide by 1000 to get MHz). Send this
to anyone you know in Operation Desert Shield; chances are decent
that it will help them. Post it to bulliten boards that you
frequent, too---maybe people there will send it to our troops.
Please tell me frequencies aren't coming in and I'll drop them.
Station Codes (note: not all broadcast from their home country:
some have other transmitters)
ALB = Radio Tirana (Albania)
AST = Radio Austria International
AUS = Radio Australia
BBC = British Broadcasting Company, Great Britian
CAN = Radio Canada International, Canada
CSM = Christian Science Monitor Radio, United States
DUB = UAE Radio Dubai
EGY = Radio Cairo, Egypt (partial list)
FRA = Radio France International (partial list)
GER = Radio Deutsche Welle, Germany
HOL = Radio Nederlands, Holland
JAP = Radio Japan
KOL = Israel Radio External Service English Broadcast Schedule
NOR = Radio Norway
SAU = Saudi Arabia
SPA = Radio Exterior de Espana (Spain)
SWE = Radio Sweden
SWI = Swiss Radio International
TUR = Radio Turkey
VOA = Voice of America, United States
YUG = Radio Yugoslavia
^LUTC(GMT) |who|frequencies (KHz) # UTC(GMT) |who|frequencies (KHz)
0000-0130|VOA|15405 17810 # 1330-1400|SWI|15570 17830 21630
0000-0130|VOA| 792 15225 15255 # 1330-1400|SWI| 7480 11695 13635
0000-0200|CSM| 7395 # 1330-1400|TUR|17785
0000-0200|DUB| 6170 9505 # 1330-1400|VOA| 1260 11915 15155
0000-0300|KOL| 7465 9435 11605 # 1330-1400|VOA|15255 21500 21720
0100-0130|KOL| 7465 9435 11605 # 1400-1430|ALB| 9500 11985
0100-0200|SWE| 1179 # 1400-1500|FRA|21770
0100-0200|SWE| 9770 # 1400-1500|SWE|21570
0130-0200|VOA| 1260 6095 15225 # 1400-1600|CSM|21780
0130-0200|VOA|15255 15405 17810 # 1400-1600|JAP|21700
0200-0230|KOL| 7465 9435 11605 # 1430-1525|HOL|13770
0200-0250|GER|11965 # 1430-1525|HOL|17605 17575 13770
0200-0250|GER| 1548 6035 7285 # 1530-1600|ALB| 9500 11835
0200-0250|GER| 9615 9690 11945 # 1530-1600|SWI|13685 15430
0200-0300|VOA| 1260 6095 15225 # 1530-1600|SWI|17830 21695
0200-0300|VOA|15255 15405 # 1600-1640|DUB|11795 13675 15320
0200-0300|VOA|17810 17865 # 1600-1640|DUB|15400 21605 21675
0200-0330|BBC| 6050 # 1600-1650|GER|11785 15105
0200-0400|EGY| 9475 9675 # 1600-1650|GER| 1548 6170 7225
0300-0330|JAP| 9645 # 1600-1650|GER| 9615 15595 17825
0300-0330|VOA| 1260 6095 15160 # 1600-1700|FRA| 6175 17620 17795
0300-0330|VOA|15225 17810 17865 # 1600-1800|CSM|15610
0300-0400|BBC| 1413 # 1600-2100|SAU| 9705 9720
0300-0430|BBC| 9670 # 1600-????|FRA|15360
0300-0815|BBC|11760 # 1600-????|NOR|15225 (Sat/Sun)
0400-0450|GER| 7150 7225 9565 # 1600-????|NOR|21730 (Sat/Sun)
0400-0450|GER| 9765 11765 15265 # 1700-1800|JAP|21700
0400-0500|CAN|11925 # 1700-2115|BBC|12095
0400-0500|TUR| 9445 17880 # 1730-1800|AST|12010
0400-0730|BBC|12095 # 1745-2030|BBC| 1413
0400-0730|BBC|15245 # 1800-1815|KOL|11585
0430-0500|ALB| 9480 11835 # 1800-1815|KOL|11655
0500-0515|KOL|17575 # 1800-1900|SWE|11900 1179
0500-0515|KOL| 7410 # 1800-2000|CSM|13625
0500-0530|KOL| 7465 9435 11605 # 1830-1900|SWI| 9885 11955
0530-0600|AST|15410 21490 # 1900-2000|SPA|15395
0700-0800|JAP|15325 21690 # 1930-2000|AST|12010
0700-1730|BBC|15070 # 1930-2000|YUG| 7165 15165
0800-0830|ALB| 9500 11835 # 2000-2030|KOL|17630
0800-1000|VOA|11740 15160 15195 # 2000-2030|KOL| 7465 9435 11605
0800-1000|VOA|21570 21615 # 2000-2115|BBC| 9410
0830-0925|HOL|21845 17575 # 2100-2150|GER|11785 13780
0900-0950|GER|21650 21680 # 2100-2150|GER| 9670 9765
0900-0950|GER| 6160 11740 17780 # 2100-2200|TUR| 9795
0900-1330|BBC|11760 # 2115-2245|EGY| 9900
1000-1100|VOA|11740 15160 15195 # 2200-0000|DUB| 6170 9600
1000-1100|VOA|21570 21615 # 2200-2300|DUB|15100
1030-1515|BBC|15195 # 2200-2300|SWE| 1179
1100-1130|KOL|11585 17575 21790 # 2200-2400|CSM| 9465
1100-1130|KOL|15650 # 2200-2400|VOA|15255 15405
1100-1130|KOL|17590 # 2200-2400|VOA|17810 17885
1130-1200|ALB| 9480 11835 # 2200-2400|VOA| 792 6095
1130-1200|VOA|11740 15160 15195 # 2230-2300|KOL|11655
1130-1200|VOA|21500 21720 # 2230-2300|KOL|17575
1130-1225|HOL|21520 # 2230-2300|KOL| 7465 9435 11605
1130-1225|HOL|21520 21480 17575 # 2230-2400|VOA| 1260
1230-1300|VOA| 1260 11740 15155 # 2300-0000|DUB|13605
1230-1300|VOA|15195 21500 21720 # 2300-0000|JAP|11735
1230-1330|SWE|21570 # 2300-0000|TUR|17880
1300-1330|YUG| 9720 17725 21635 # 2300-0000|TUR| 9445 9665 9685
1300-1500|AUS|17630 21775 # 2330-0030|SWE| 1179
======== snip ========== snip, snip =========== snippety-snip ======
Dave Bakken, bakken@cs.arizona.edu, uunet!arizona!bakken, +1 602 621 4976
I am Iraq,I am an island.And Iraq feels no pain.And an island never
You know I've heard about people like me, but I never made the connection...
Don McClean, from the song ``Crossroads'' in album American P0